The School Day
The school week at CVJS is 32 hours and 55 minutes.
Try to make sure there is a good start for your child by ensuring that they have everything they need before they leave home – PE kit, musical instrument, lunch box, homework, reading record etc.
Pupils enter the school site via the main gate to the infant car park. To ensure the safety of pedestrians, there is a raising arm barrier just beyond the main gates. Pupils should avoid arriving at school before 8.35am, as this is a busy time for the arrival of staff in their vehicles.
The drop-off and pick-up routine
On entering the school site, pupils should proceed beyond the “pencil” marks into the main playground and from there they should enter the main school building via the designated entrances – these are open from 8.45am and pupils should go straight into school unless indicated to do otherwise by a member of staff.
We have found that staggered entry in the morning helps parents and pupils by easing traffic congestion on Station Road and enables parents to “drop and go” in the knowledge that their children are safe in school.
First bell: 8.45am
School starts: 8.55am
Assembly: 10.05 - 10.25am
Morning Break: 10.25 – 10.45am
Lunch: 12.30 – 1.25pm
School ends: 3.20pm
At the end of a normal school day, pupils leave the main school building via the two playground exits. Pupils are not allowed to play on the playground, adventure playground, quiet area or field after school unless involved in an organised school activity. Again, to ensure the safety of pedestrians using the school site, vehicle access is forbidden from 3.10-3.30pm.
Pupils are reminded frequently that if they are expecting to be collected and if no-one is there, they must return to the school reception where they will be safe and helped with the situation. They must not wander off the school site to look for anyone. We will always take care of our pupils but please make sure your child knows what the arrangements are for picking up at home time before you leave them each morning. Thank you.