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School Uniform

The school governors and staff feel that a set school uniform is an asset to the school.  It encourages neatness and a “sense of belonging” to our school.  It enables our children to be quickly and easily identified in and out of school, which aids safety and security.  It also helps parents resist the pressure from children to buy and wear expensive fashion clothing. 

Most of the uniform can be bought at high street shops.  Some items, including special items in the school colours or with a school logo can be bought through the  school reception. Many of these items are cheaper than 'non school branded' high street equivalents. We always keep a good stock and parents can pay by cash or card (preferred option) for all items that we sell.




All items of clothing and footwear should be clearly named as this saves valuable time when items are mislaid.

Girls typically wear:

Boys typically wear:



White blouse/white polo shirt

School tie (optional)

Medium grey or black skirt/grey or black school trousers      

School sweatshirt

White ankle/knee length socks or black/grey tights

Practical black shoes

White shirt or polo shirt                                                    

School tie (optional)

Black/gret school trousers                                                   

School sweatshirt

Dark socks

Practical black shoes

Summer Option

Summer Option 

Green/white checked school dress....

or usual school uniform (as above)

Grey / black school shorts....

or usual school uniform (as above)

Boys & Girls Outdoor Wear
Sensible waterproof coat/jacket

The school does not feel the following are appropriate: 

  • Ankle length skirts, mini skirts, fashion trousers, heavy boots, trainers or fashion shoes
  • Make-up, including nail varnish
  • Jewellery – with the exception of Medic Alert necklaces or bracelets, no jewellery other than watches and single stud earrings (no more than one per ear).  Pupils need to be able to remove their own earrings for PE or bring tape into school to cover them. If you are considering having your child’s ears pierced, may we suggest you have them done early in the summer holidays to allow time for healing which will allow your child to remove the earrings for PE lessons.
  • “Extreme” hair fashions such as shaved lines, mohican cuts, hair dye or excessive gel
  • Pupils with long hair (boys and girls) should have it tied back during lessons
  • We look to parents to help us maintain the high standards of uniform and personal appearance for which the school is well respected





Boys and Girls

  • Gold round necked T-shirt with logo - Available from school
  • Green football type shorts - Available from school
  • Black daps/plimsolls or trainers for inside
  • Trainers for outdoor use
  • Change of socks (white ankle) 
For Outdoor games (Autumn/Spring Term) 

When it is wet or cold pupils should wear suitable sports clothing. We recommend an indoor PE kit, with outdoor clothing (black tracksuit trousers and a CVJS hoodie) on top.  

For reasons of hygiene children are discouraged from borrowing each other’s PE kit.  It is the responsibility of pupils and parents to ensure that PE clothing is available.



A lost property container is located in the upper school corridor area where lost property is stored.  This is regularly sorted and named items are returned to their owners. 

We also organise at the end of each term a pupil “walk by” of all remaining lost property.  Unclaimed items are disposed of at the end of each term. 

Permanent marker pens are available from school reception to mark pupils’ belongings.